
Sponsored Posts..

I am happy to collaborate with any sponsored posts as long as the fit in with the topics I currently cover – Beauty, Lifestyle, Travel and Fashion. My fee will depend on the amount of work which the requested post will entail. All posts will have a disclaimer at the top of each post.

Collaborations / PR

I am happy to receive collaboration or PR emails, I will decide whether I find the opportunity suitable for my blog niche and interests. All of my posts will be marked with an asterisk at the end of each post. Unless detailed in your request, I am not obliged to review the product. If the product isn’t for me my review will be based on my exact experience.

I will not respond to any emails regarding guest posts or any SEO emails.

Media kit..

I have now moved my Media Kit to a page within my blog that I can update. To visit this please see here.

 If you need any further information about any collaborations, product reviews or a copy of my media kit, please contact me on:

I will get back to you as soon as I can, however I do work a full time job so I am not always accessing my emails straight away. If you do need to contact me straight away you can tweet me on Twitter at @TamzinSwann

All of my posts which are sponsored or feature gifted products will have a disclaimer at the start of the post.

I will only accept no-follow links as per the Google guidelines.   I will always be 100% honest with all my posts whether promotional or not, and I will only accept reviews that I see fit for my niche and interests as detailed above.   


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